
Budget and Salary Compensation Transparency Reporting

Section 18 (2) of Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget and Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.

Section 1: Fiscal Year Board Approved Budget

Board Adopted 2023-2024 Amended Budget

Board Adopted 2023-2024 Budget

Board Adopted 2023- 2024 Final Budget

Section 2: Personnel Expenditures

TA-Personnel Expenditures 2022-2023

TA-Personnel Expenditures 2021-2022

Section 3: Current Operating Expenditures

Operations Expenditures 2022-23

Operations Expenditures 2021-2022

ESP Transparency Reports

Section 4: Current Bargaining Agreements

As the school purchases services from a third-party vendor, the school/district does not currently work under bargaining agreements.

Section 5: Employer-Sponsored Health Care Plans

As the school purchases services from a third party vendor ,the school/district does not sponsor a health plan

Section 6: Audited Financial Statements

TA – Audited Financials 2022-2023

Section 7: Medical Benefit Plan Bids

As the school purchases services from a third party vendor, the school/district does not request bids for health coverage

Section 8: Procurement Policy

Procurement Policy

Section 9: Expense Reimbursement Policy

TA-Reimbursement Policies and Procedures

Section 10: Account Payable Check Register

AP-Check Register 2022-2023

AP Check Register 2021-2022

Section 11: Employee Compensation Information


Purchase Compensation Information For Lead Administrator 2022-2023

Section 12: District Paid Association Dues


TA- Dues and Fees 2022-2023

Section 13: District Paid Lobbying Costs

The District paid no lobbying costs in 2022-2023

Section 14: Approved Deficit Elimination Plan

The district has not incurred a deficit.

Section 15: District Credit Card Information

TA- Credit Card Info 2022-2023

Section 16: District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information

There is no travel to report in 2022-2023. 

Section 17:  Contract and ESP Agreement.


ESP Management Agreement 2022- 2025

Section 18: Discrimination, Harassment, and Privacy

Title VI, Title IX, Sexual Harassment Contact and Section 504 Coordinators

Section 19: Extended Covid-19 Learning Plan

Extended COVID 19 Learning Plan.   February’s Monthly ECLP Resolution-Return to In-Person Instruction   Monthly Two-2 Way Interactions (June 2021)  

 Monthly Two-2 Way Interactions (May 2021)

Monthly Two-2 Way Interactions (April 2021)

Monthly Two-2 Way Interactions (March 2021)

Monthly Two-2 Way Interactions (Feb. 2021)

Amended ECLP November 30, 2020

ECLP Goal Reporting Progress Report

23g MI Kids Back On Track Grant

To request services outlined in the posted plan, BOLA parents are able to contact the district. Please reach out to Mrs. Jerrel Anthony, Principal
at (313)823-6000 or at janthony@obamaacademy.org.

Posted Plan: BOLA MICIP and 23g Grant Information School Year 2023-24

Additional Grant information

BOLA’s 23g Grant Budget Information

*BOLA’s 23g Grant Budget Details

Additional Reports

Emergency Drills 2022-2023

Annual Education Report 2023-2024

K-8 School/Grade-Level Goals

Goal Reporting 2021-22 BOLA

 Academic Goals and Benchmark Public Act 48-98b

Academic Goals Public Act 48 2021-22 

Business Office Policies 2022-2023

School Goals 2023-24

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